Source: MedCulture Read more
Source: MedCulture Read more
Par Samba Soumbounou Afrikayna /ANGLES Approche participative pour une gestion collective du patrimoine | sensibilisation et bénévolat : Exemple de Casablanca “Pour préserver le patrimoine d’une ville, il faut d’abord faire aimer son patrimoine”. La notion du patrimoine est de nos jours, au cœur des préoccupations des grandes métropoles africaines. Au delà de sa définition,Read more
By Eleonora Psenner Eurac Research – Institute for Regional Development /Case Analysis Cultural organizations leveraging social integration in disadvantaged neighbourhoods – a case study approach Introduction In the past decades, urban and cultural policies tended to follow models, including the ones of creative economy, creative and knowledge industries, creative cities, incubation hubs, coworking spaces andRead more
By Frédéric Vacheron Director of Villa Ocampo UNESCO Observatory /NETWORK Latin America and the Caribbean Academic Cooperation Network on ICH (ReCA PCI LAC) On November 21st and 22nd 2017, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Regional Meeting for Searching for Cooperation Mechanisms on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Higher Education took place with the objective of identifying,Read more
By Irma de Jong Founder and Managing Director, Cicerone Music & Art /ANGLES Get on your feet! How understanding generation management will help better organise communication within the networks of the art and music industry Intro I took my youngest niece to a musical. She is eleven years old and crazy about singing and dancing.Read more
By Dr. Anna Villarroya Associate Professor and Vice-president of the European Association of Cultural Researchers (ECURES) University of Barcelona /Angles Basics on active arts participation policies: Objectives, mechanisms, sources and common tendencies in Europe. Introduction Active involvement in arts activities is one aspect of cultural participation that has received comparatively little academic attention. Frequently, termsRead more
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