By /encatcSCHOLAR Editorial Team
“Rethinking Education Strategy and the relevance of producing highly skilled and versatile people who can contribute to innovation and entrepreneurship” (Androulla Vassiliou)
European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education. (ENCATC)
ISSN: 2466-6394
ENCATC is the leading European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. It is a membership NGO gathering over 100 Higher Educational Institutions and cultural organisations in 40 countries. It holds the status of official partner of UNESCO and of observer to the Steering Committee for Culture of the Council of Europe.
Cristina Ortega Nuere / Melba G. Claudio-González / Giannalia Cogliandro Beyens
Editorial Advisory Board: ENCATC Board Members
General objective
/encatcSCHOLAR is born to satisfy the demand of ENCATC members academics, researchers and students: to exchange teaching methodologies and knowledge to use in the classroom. /encatcSCHOLAR is intended to provide reference tools for education and lifelong learning on cultural management and cultural policies.
Specific aims
- To be an open tool that encourages participation and sharing in the creation of teaching materials.
- To offer suggestions about some basic and accurate methodological approaches related to how to:
. study emerging issues that affect public policies;
. present and analyze case analysis;
. open debates on how to improve the management of the projects.
/encatcSCHOLAR is aimed at academics, researchers and students forming on cultural management and cultural policies. Its contents are intended to provide reference tools for education and lifelong learning on these fields.
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